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Nursing Student or RN Candidate Examination Application

If you are a Registered Nurse or student nurse/graduate nurse who has finished the basic nursing course (for example: Introduction to Nursing, or Fundamentals of Nursing), you may qualify to take the state competency exam. To qualify, you must provide a copy of your school transcript or documentation from your school showing successful completion of the basic nursing course to qualify for the state competency exam.

1. Complete this Examination Application.
2. Attach a transcript or documentation from your school showing completing the basic nursing course successfully.

NOTE:  If you are an active duty military member, veteran, or spouse of an active duty military member or veteran, please fill out and submit the AR Military Expedited Licensure Form available on the Arkansas CNA webpage.

Your application is not complete until the required information is included, then select “Send Application.”
Military Member Status
Transcript or Documentation
  • I have attached my school transcript showing successful completion of the basic nursing course, or
  • I have attached documentation from my school showing successful completion of the basic nursing course.
By Submitting
I hereby verify that I understand and agree with the statements contained herein and the above information is true and correct.